Doulton Super Sterasyl® Ceramic Candle


Doulton ceramic water filters have been continually manufactured for over 170 years. The first water filters were manufactured in the early 1800’s at Doulton & Co.’s Lambeth works on the banks of the River Thames, London.

Nowadays, Doulton offers a wide range of drinking filter systems, alongside their accredited various grades of candles and cartridges.



All Doulton ceramic candles are bacteriostatic – that is, self sterilizing for bacteriologically safe cleaning and handling.

You have a choice of Sterasyl or Supersterasyl candles. Sterasyl candle is designed for microbiological protection whilst Supersterasyl is a Sterasyl shell packed with selective activated carbon for chlorine, bad taste and odor, pesticides, herbicides and industrial solvents reduction. Due to the carbon exhaustion change Supersterasyl candles every six months.

These candles provides: 100% rejection of cysts and >99.99% of pathogenic bacteria such as cholera, typhus, amoebic dysentery, ecoli, colibacillose or bilharzia, anthrax spores among others.

Filtration efficiency

Absolute filtration rating >99.99% 0.9 micron
Nominal filtration rating >99.99% 0.5 – 0.8 micron
% Bacteria removal E-Coli, Vibrio cholera
Shigella, Salmonella Typhi, Klebiella Terrigena
% Cyst removal 5 Cryptosporidium, Giardia >99.999%