A water filter is a sure way to make sure that you have safe drinking water for you and your family!
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A water filter is a excellent way to purify your drinking water. Each year there are violations to the Safe Drinking Water Act – involving over 20 percent of water treatment facilities.
When municipalities test are conducted to test the quality of the water you will be drinking, this is done on the water at the facility not your tap water.
Contaminated water can and has affected many Australian families, and continues to be a real problem. The more you know about your water, the better you can protect your family.
According to the ‘Australian Drinking Water Guidelines’: “Drinking water should be clear, colourless, and well aerated with no unpalatable taste or odors. It should contain no suspended matter, harmful chemical substances or pathogenic micro-organisms”.
Despite these clear guidelines, our water supplies can still be contaminated. Some cases of polluted water have been known to include:
- CHLORINE – Used in the treatment of water supplies to eliminate many waterborne diseases. However, has also been linked to causing diseases.
- BACTERIA – Despite initial treatments at water plants some bacteria can still propagate between initial treatment facilities & the domestic or commercial water source.
- ORGANIC CHEMICALS – Many of these originate from pesticides, weed killers, commercial & domestic waste.
- NITRATE – Normally traced to the use of fertilizers & or sewage contamination. Nitrate reacts with other chemicals & forms Nitrite within the digestive tract. It can then go on to form carcinogens which at excessive levels can cause Blue baby syndrome.
- LEAD – This heavy metal finds its way into our drinking water supplies between initial treatment & point of usage from old pipes or lead solder used in joining new piping systems. Lead contaminated water poses a serious health risk to all ages, including learning difficulties, behavioural problems, mental & physical retardation, hypertension, strokes & heart disease. Lead poisoning can take years before the effects can be detected but often the damage is already done.
- ALUMINIUM – There are clear links between Aluminium & Alzheimer’s Disease. Aluminium also raises the acidity of water allowing it to absorb greater levels of lead, cadmium, copper & other heavy metals from piping systems.
- MERCURY – More likely to affect people that use a natural water source, it can cause ulcers, skin irritations, dental problems, internal bleeding, liver & kidney damage.
- POLYAROMATIC HYDROCARBONS (PAHs) – Originating from cast iron or mild steel pipelines which have been treated with asphalt or bitumen coating to prevent corrosion, are believed to be carcinogenic.
- FLUORIDE – Added to the Australian water supply to reduce tooth cavities. The addition of fluoride to municipal water is banned in many nations & it is debated as being in contradiction of the Geneva Convention, as being mass medication without prescription. It has been linked to many long-term health defects and in high doses is lethal.
- CADMIUM – Like lead accumulates in the body over a long period & may cause stomach cramps, kidney & liver damage.
- TRIHALOMETHANES – Strong poisonous compounds formed by organic chemicals reacting with chlorine treated drinking water. Responsible for around 10 percent of rectal & bladder cancers according to ‘The American Journal of Public Health’.
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